
data collection

Searching for high quality Restaurants Database? is world’s choice for your web scraping and email database needs. Get the best restaurants, cafés and bars email list by #1 We are leading company based in India offer wide range of web research, data extraction, data cleaning and database development services. The leading source for restaurants database are online directories,,, and many…

pricing intellegence

Gain a comprehensive, real-time view of the competitive landscape. Price smartly! Managing multiple products and competitors is a complex task for online businesses. Product prices change constantly & potential clients always compare price before purchasing online. Also with consumers spending more time online using smart phones & tablets – technology has empowered ecommerce connectivity making price war even more difficult for online businesses. Our Pricing…

web scraping services

Are you in need of professionals database for your own social networking sites? Our expert team can do web research and collect professionals database. You can build and engage with your professional network with help of our bulk profile scraping services. is #1 web scraping service provider and best choice for bulk data mining. 1. Extract business profiles from social networking sites Having the…

Lawyers Data Scraping

Lawyers Email Database for Legal marketing firms or legal web design firms! Looking for USA lawyers email database? We are one of best company to full fill your legal data leads needs. We are very much experienced in law, health and other domains. With over 7 plus years of experience we can commit to provide high quality web scraping and email searching services. Get free…

data mining

Searching for database of home builders, architect, interior designer, home improvement, home services and cleaning service providers database? Find best source for home improvement, architect and home builder database. Whether you’re trying to find building contractors for a new construction, or home improvement contractors to spruce up your existing place, it’s important know exactly what role they will play in the project. We are capable…