Weekly Web Scraping of Hotel Prices
Posted By admin

Project Title: Weekly Web Scraping of Hotel Prices
Project Description:
University faculty member interested in weekly web scraping of hotel prices in Washington DC for one year.
Also interested in any other scrapeable data about hotels in D.C.
I don’t have a list. I need all the hotels in DC
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
I need a tool to extract data of two websites https://www.holidayinn.com and https://www.choicehotels.com
I would like to extract data weekly from https://www.travelocity.com/.
Are you guys able to extract hotel prices from https://www.cheapair.com/ for the provided list of locations?
We are planning to scrape rates of specific US hotels daily from Booking.com. How much will be the cost for this?
Collect hotel data from expedia.com, Let me know what data you guys can scrape?
I want to extract hotel rates daily from priceline.com. Are you guys able to do this before? how much cost?
Website: https://www.agoda.com/en-in/country/germany.html
Location: Germany
Needs to scrape hotel prices daily from the website. Can you help?
Extract hotel rates every day from hotwire.com, what would you charge for scraping data from Hotwire?
Need someone who can collect hotel listing from agoda.com. If you can provide a tool for price monitoring, then it would be great.
Can you collect Hotel rates from the website booking.com? Let me know if you can do this?
I’m looking for someone to scrape rates of 5 star hotels of USA from tripadvisor.com.
I have a list of hotels for location Orlando, Fl and need to extract their prices on daily basis from hotwire.com.
Looking for a person who can collect Hotel Reviews from website booking.com. Please email me with details of what you can provide.