Weedmaps Data Scraping for California
Posted By admin
Project Title: Weedmaps verified Data Scraping for California
Project Description:
I’m interested in purchasing a dataset verified of weedmaps data for California, scraped from their source. Ideally it would include data from prior to January 1, 2018.
We can provide following data fields
– Business Name
– Address
– City
– State
– Postal Code
– Phone
– Email
– Star Rating
– Total Number of Reviews
– Hits
– Office Hours
Please let me know what services you provide and your cost.
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
I want USA Database for following 3 categories from Weedmaps.com and Leafly.com. Can you help me out?
– Marijuana Dispensaries
– Marijuana Deliveries
– Marijuana Doctors Database
I’m interested in getting a scrape of all dispensaries details from http://www.leafly.com. How much you charge?
Thank you.
Please let us know how you can extract dispensaries details from directory website.
We would require the details from weedadvisor.com. Will be able to extract such data?
I’d like to use your web data scraping services for scraping website: priceofweeds.com.
I want to collect dispensaries and doctors information from the above-mentioned website.
I am targeting to collect dispensaries from different websites. Start with website: carolinadispensaries.com. Let me know if you can do this. And provide us cost for the project.
We would like to get a list of all marijuna dispensaries in California available on https://potguide.com/. Can you please help?