Web Scrapped Data for Legal Websites
Posted By admin

Project Title: Web Scrapped Data for Legal Websites
Project Description:
I would like to talk to someone about a quote regarding obtaining data on legal directories.
Query to potentially purchase web scrapped data for legal websites.
We required lawyers database with following data fields.
– Lawyer name
– Business name
– Address
– City
– State
– Zip
– Phone
– Email
– Website URL
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
I have web scraping requirement for you and want to scrape Lawyers Directories using following 2 ways:
By areas of practice: Business Law, Family Law, Criminal Law
By locations: Boston, Atlanta, Seattle, Chicago, Washington D.C.
How much will it quote?
Will you be able to scrape Lawyers Contact Details? Please suggest if you can it from http://lawyers.com/.
To get list of profiles of attorneys from across the United States.
Kindly review the website : https://lawyers.findlaw.com/ and let me know if this source is suitable for our requirement or not.
I want to purchase database of lawyers of avvo.com. Do you have ready one or will you provide customized data scraped? Please let us know.
I am in a need to retrieve list of lawyers from nolo.com and receive output as CSV format. Get back to me with your best price.
Website: https://attorneypages.com
Category: Bankruptcy, Criminal and Insurance.
Above is mentioned the requirement to scrape lawyer details. Please provide quote for the same.