USA Hotel Emails Database
Posted By admin

Project Title: USA Hotel Emails Database
Project Description:
Hi, Please I will need a sample of the US hotel emails.
How many data-fields you will be able to extract? Will it include following mentioned data sets?
– Hotel Name
– Sub Category
– Address
– City
– State
– Zip Code
– Country
– Contact Number
– Email Address
– Website
Do you have historical data? Can you also quote for the cost of data scraping?
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Do you have a ready database of hotels from Expedia or will you provide fresh scraped database? If so how much time you would require for the same. Kindly update me.
Please indicate how long you think this project will take to scrape all listings Trivago.com for USA.
I need Hotel Name, Average Price, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Contact number, Website URL, Email Address, etc…
Let me know your price to scrape hotel details from localhotels.com
Want to collect hotel database from hotels.com. Will you be able to provide us reply with cost? Please get back to us.
Can you monitor data of hotels in Miami from Booking.com on daily basis?
We are in a need to get a ready lawyers email database. Can you tell me how much it will cost?
Are you able to scrape email database of avvo.com? reply ASAP.
I am looking for someone who can fetch hotel prices from Agoda and Kayak. I’ll provide you list of hotels.
I want someone who can scrape the hotel email database from Kayak.com.Let me know if you can do this?
I want to scrape business email address database of USA and UK located business, can you connect on skype for further discussion?