
Travel Agencies & Automotive Companies Data Scraping

Posted By admin
web scraping services

Project Title: Travel Agencies & Automotive Companies Data Scraping

Project Description:
Would love the opportunity to learn more about your data offering.

For background, I currently work on the Consumer Mobility team at Consumer Edge Research, a sell-side equity research firm.

We’ve been exploring data opportunities for the online travel agencies, as well as automotive companies.

Let me know if there is a time that works to catch up tomorrow. I’m available any time between 9-12PM ET.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 6 years ago Francisco J. Martin

    We need to get data from various travel websites like TripAdvisor, Expedia, Booking, etc.. Is this something you can help us with?

  • 5 years ago James Bibb

    We want to retrieve list of all hotels in Spain from Hotwire and then monitor their daily cost.


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