Scraping Window Treatment Specialist

Project Title: Scraping Window Treatment Specialist
Project Description:
Source Website:
Here are examples of the data we want scraped:
– Dealer Name
– Address
– Phone Number
– URL – sometimes list as “Click here to visit dealer’s website” or as actual website, hopefully can pull URL out of link
– “HunterDouglas Gallery” – we know it’s an image, just want to know if it’s present or not.
– Some will say “In-Home Consultation Only” ( i. This is fine as long as we can tell the difference between Gallery dealer and in-Home.)
You will have put a click command “Next” in to process more than one page.
Please let me know, if this is something you guys are able to do.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Are you able to scrape Product data from the given website
Scrape all the product data with their prices from
Target website:, I need to scrape data from the given website link, Let me know what other data you guys can scrape?