Scraping Various Shoes Store Location Details
Posted By admin
Project Title: Scraping Various Shoes Store Location Details
Project Description:
Will you please guide me about your price to scrape store location details from different shoe listing websites?
The shoe websites for which I need to get store location details are:
– https://www.finishline.com/
– https://www.shoedept.com/
– https://www.shoeshowmega.com/
Data-points required are: Store Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone and Store Hours.
I approx there are about 3K stores including all 3 websites. Let me know, how long would it take.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
We require your help to get the store locations only for https://www.shoedept.com/. Could you please give me the rate?
How much to scrape list of all store locations from redwingshoe.com? Collect following info:
– Store Name
– Address
– Zip
– Phone
– Website
– Open Hours