Scraping Touring, Camping and Chalet Pitches Websites
Project Title: Scraping Touring, Camping and Chalet Pitches Websites
Project Description:
We are interested in doing some scraping work on the and the websites.
The information we require is as follows:
Site name
Site address including post code
Telephone number/numbers
Email address
Web site if any
Number of pitches if available. Where the information is known separate figures for the number of touring, camping and chalet pitches.
Site coordinates.
Ukcampsite web pages
The site information will have to be searched by area and then by county, When the county is selected it will show a map
Below which is a list of the sites
The following information is available from the list of sites
Site name
Site address including post code
Telephone number/numbers
Web site if any
Email address not listed but if the site has a web site it may be available there, however since each web page is different it is unlikely this information can be obtained.
Number of pitches if available. Where the information is known separate figures for touring, camping and chalet pitches
Site coordinates not available
Outandaboutlive web pages
The opening page is as shown below
There is no page that gives a list of counties so each Location (county) will have to be selected individually.
I suggest that you get the list of counties from the ukcampsite website and use this list for your search
Having selected the county web page will be displayed with a list of sites underneath the map
Select the site and the directions tab. This will then display the screen that will allow you to scrape all the information required.
Hope the above is of help and I look forward to hearing from you.
The results to be supplied in a spreadsheet.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
We are looking for someone to scrap travel websites. I will provide you the list, how much will it cost to scrap?
I need to get data from: Can we setup a call to discuss requirements in detail?