Scraping Profinder Results on HomeAdvisor
Project Title: Scraping Profinder Results on HomeAdvisor
Project Description:
Would like to scrape results from the profinder feature on home advisor (so not the database itself, but the recommendation engine that they direct you to from the main page.
Is that possible? There’s about 100-200 zip codes I would like to try.
List is attached. For each zip what I would like to do is:
• Start at
• Enter “Clean Gutters and Downspouts”
• Enter a zip from the list
• Select “As regular maintenance…”
• Select “Two stories”
• Select “Within a few weeks”
• Select “No”
• Leave the description field blank
• Enter a street address in that zip code
• Enter contact info – phone number and email need to be recognized as valid but you won’t need to confirm either to proceed
• Output: On this last screen 1-3 names will appear.
I just need to capture which names appear for each zip code in a csv file.
So the final output should have 4 columns, columns 1 is the zip and columns 2-4 will be company names.
Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
I need to crawl various different business from Will you please help?