Scraping Products Prices from Apothecarium & Ecocannabis
Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping Products Prices from Apothecarium & Ecocannabis
Project Description:
Please find below the links of two example websites:
1. https://apothecarium.com/sf-menuorder-heartjane
2. https://ecocannabis.net/
If you could extract the prices of: a)flowers b)concentrates c)pre-rolls d)edibles as an example for 1 website, it would be great.
Additionally, we are also interested in gram/oz size that is listed corresponding to the price and the THC/CBD content or ratio.
For many products it states the CBD: THC ratio or the THC content in it.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Are you guys able to scrape https://www.marijuanabreak.com?
We want you to scrape data from Leafly.com for us. Let me know your best rate for the data scraping?
Can you get all the dispensaries scrapped off from http://www.potguide.com?
Pull out the database from http://www.priceofweed.com for retrieving information of dispensaries.
Did you ever scrape data from http://www.weedealio.com? Please provide sample.