Scraping Physician Data from UHC
Project Title: Scraping Physician Data from UHC
Project Description:
We would like to get the data scraped from United Healthcare. Following are the steps to follow for scraping the data we require:
1.Navigate to
2.Click Find a Medicare Physician:
3.Type in a zip code. The master zip code list for which each searched is performed is in the file PostalCodesUS.xlsx
a.)If presented with a county selection, perform a search on both and record for which county the search was performed
4.Select Providers In-Network on 1/1/2020
5.Select each of the Medicare Plans listed EXCEPT for the one with a value of “No Preference”
6.Type in a provider name using LastName, FirstName, MiddleName as identified in MasterProvider.xlsx
7.Click the Search button
8.Change the Location Distance from “within 20 miles” to “within 100 miles”
9.Store the entire JSON response of the request (e.g.,42.9047&configuration=uhc.medicaid&distanceMiles=100&from=0&includeAggregations=true&includeO
a.)Name the file with the convention NPI_ZipCode_County_PlanName_NPI.json (e.g. NPI_53150_Waukesha_AARP MEDICARE ADVANTAGE VALUE (HMO-POS)_1558540666.json)
10.Go back to step 3 and repeat for all zip codes and for all NPIs
Also, let us know what will be the cost for this scraping service? Looking forward to your response.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Can you scrape more details will be shared on Skype call.
Can you scrape all data of doctors from Please provide sample for a review.
Scrape all types of doctors available from get back to me with detail proposal.