Scraping New Zealand Company Database

Project Title: Scraping New Zealand Company Database
Project Description:
The website is the New Zealand Companies Office a publicly available site where people can look up records of companies registered in NZ the link to the site is
On the first page a panel appears as below note the” Companies” field needs to be clicked on to ensure the company records are search when the search button is clicked
This will take you to the next page which asks for search criteria, we enter
1. “Registered” in the “Entity status” drop down
2. “All” in the “Address type” drop down
3. “East Tamaki” is then typed into the “Address” keywords field
4. “All” in the “Address type” drop down
5. “East Tamaki” is then typed into the “Address” keywords field
Doing the above should then provide the first page of many that contain over 7000+ company records.
The following information comes up which you’ll need to scrape: <br>Company Name
– Company Number
– Incorporation Date
– Company Status
– Entity Type
– Constitution Filed
– Trading Name(s)
– Phone Number(s)
– Email Address(es)
– Website(s)
– Industry Classification(s)
– Company Address(es)
– Director(s)
– Shareholder Name
– Residential Address
– Extent of Shareholding
What I need as a minimum is Excel database similar to the above.
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