
Scraping National Database of Judgments from Sarasotaclerk.com

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping National Database of Judgments Verified from Sarasotaclerk.com

Project Description:
We are definitely going to buy several states databases from you. We will determine this week which we want first and let you know. In the meantime I have another request. This could potentially be much larger and more lucrative for you but also more complicated.

We would like to find a group that can search court records nationwide for monetary judgment awards. These are the result of litigation and payment defaults. We will want to exclude judgments awarded to banks and credit card companies as those are of no value to us. We would want to start with judgments in Florida as a test. It is my understanding that these court records have to be searched county by county. There are 67 counties in Florida. As an example Sarasota County is found at www.sarasotaclerk.com. Once there under records the judgments we want would be under “civil cases”. There will be 2 parties associated with each record. The parties are the Debtor and the Creditor. These may be individuals or businesses. Once we have the records we will want to scour the internet for identifying information on both parties such as email and physical address in addition to as much personal information as can be found.

I will introduce you to a member of my team that can give you more information.

Let us know if that is something you can help us with. We would be interested in eventually acquiring a national database of judgments that would entail about 3 million records. Given the additional info we seek I think you will agree this is a massive project.

I look forward to working with you.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 7 years ago Ann Johnson

    Want to scrape listings from following website link, can you scrape it?


  • 7 years ago Bruce Davis

    Scrape Lawyers Directory for Lawyer, Attorney, Law Firm Database in USA. Scrape data- Name, Address, Phone, Email, Website, Etc.

    Go to URL to get database: https://lawyers.findlaw.com/

  • 6 years ago HOLLY SULLIVAN

    Collect lawyers database of justia.com with al available information on source website. What is the cost?

  • 6 years ago Florian Burgos

    Looking to scrape all the attorneys under Criminal Law category from Martindale. Kindly confirm if you can do this.

  • 6 years ago Richard Gonzalez

    I am looking for getting price for scraping Attorneys details from California State bar site.


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