
Scraping Leafly.com and Weedmaps.com

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping Leafly.com and Weedmaps.com

Project Description:
I need dispensary names, locations and if they are classified as medical, recreational, or both in states where it is medically legal, recreationally legal, or both.

I’d ideally like data from leafly and weed maps to cross reference.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Alexander R. Billy

    We need someone to scrape Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles. You need to extract data from this website : https://wheresweed.com/.

  • 5 years ago Francesco Bariani 

    I need to get the data of dispensaries from the website Leafly.com. Do you have experience?

  • 5 years ago Paul Anderson

    The task should be simple enough, you need to scrape data from this website: https://weedmaps.com/dispensaries/in/canada.

  • 5 years ago Mojan Hamed

    Can you extract dispensary listing from https://www.leafly.com? If yes, please call me on provided number.

  • 5 years ago Michael Oettinger 

    We are interested in having daily pricing data for US and Canada and get scraped data verified with priceofweed.com.

  • 5 years ago Amit A. Sharma

    Please let me know the pricing structure for data scraping of dispensaries from https://www.weedmaps.com.

  • 5 years ago Keith Schneider

    I need to get details of all dispensaries scraped from http://www.leafly.com. How much does it cost?

  • 5 years ago Cale Magruder 

    Please scrape all the dispensaries from weeddiaries.com and get them in an excel sheet. Thanks in advance!

  • 5 years ago Kira Radinsky

    Can you extract list of doctors from weed directory https://www.acatoday.org/?

  • 5 years ago Jason Keller

    I require a ready database of dispensaries list scraped from Weedmaps. How much is its cost?

  • 4 years ago Erica Jong

    I want to scrape weeds price from http://www.priceofweed.com/ How much will this cost?

  • 4 years ago Ben Jonson

    Can you scrape Bongs prices from https://wayofleaf.com/? What is the price?

  • 4 years ago Janis Joplin

    Please let us know how you can scrape dispensaries details from https://weedadvisor.com/ What would be the charge?

  • 4 years ago James Joyce

    Are you able to pull dispensaries data from https://wheresweed.com/? Do you have experience?


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