
Scraping Information for Legal, Healthcare, Accounting and Technology Professionals

Posted By admin
web scraping

Project Title: Scraping Information for Legal, Healthcare, Accounting and Technology Professionals

Project Description:
I’m looking for a source of the following scraped data:

1) Legal Professionals
2) Healthcare Professionals
3) Accounting Professionals
4) Technology Professionals

Please provide me with counts/stats and pricing for any of the above datasets that you currently maintain along with how frequently they are updated.

Minimum data points needed are Name/Company/Title.

Thank you.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 7 years ago Richard COLE

    Need to create business email database from Yahoo Local with business name, address, contact number, contact email, reviews and rating.

  • 6 years ago HERBERT Wright

    How much time will you take to finish job from cpafinder.com? Please advise.

  • 6 years ago Nora HALE

    Please help me collecting accountant information from Yellowpages.com. What is price if we want to scrape it for USA and UK regions? Please let us know.

  • 6 years ago Tom Vu

    Looking to get the cost to extract data of accountants from chamberofcommerce.com. This is an urgent requirement so please reply at earliest.


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