Scraping Independent Medical Practices Information from Google

Project Title: Scraping Independent Medical Practices Information from Google
Project Description:
I need someone to aggregate information on independent medical practices from a Google search. The freelancer should follow the following process:
=> Visit
* Repeat this process for “Ophthalmology”, “Dermatology”, “Otolaryngology”, “Gastroenterology”, and “Orthopedics”
* Repeat this process for every city listed in the “Cities by Population” tab.
* Enter the URLs for all independent medical practices you find on the first 15 pages of the Google results.
* Do not pull URLs with the following associations or URLs:
– Any link that includes “Hospital” in the title
– Any link that ends in .org
– Any link that ends in .edu
– In the “Practices in Top 150 Cities” tab, enter the requested information within each column found on the practice’s website. The required information includes:
* Practice Name
— List the name as it appears in top of the website when you first visit the website
* Specialty
— You should only enter “Ophthalmology”, “Dermatology”, “Otolaryngology”, “Gastroenterology”, or “Orthopedics”.
— Based on your Google search you can easily drag populate this column for all of the URLs you just entered.
* Phone Number
— This is typically listed on the “Contact Us”, “Info”, “About”, at the bottom of the home page, or at the top of the home page.
* Email Address
— This is not always listed, but please add this to the spreadsheet if found on the “Contact Us”, “Info” “About”, at the bottom of the home page, or at the top of the home page.
— State “Not Listed” if you do not find an email listed on any of the previously mentioned pages.
* City
— Typically found on the “Contact Us” or at the bottom of the home page.
— For practices with multiple locations, list the “main” or top left location that is listed in the page.
* State
— Enter the state that this city is located in.
* Lead Physician if Known
— This is typically listed in the “About Us” “Physicians”, or “Meet Dr. (Insert Last Name)” page. Look for words such as, “owner”, “medical director”, “principal”, etc. Occasionally, the practice is named after the lead physician (i.e. for the lead physician is Debra Guthrie, MD). If the physicians are not listed alphabetically and an older physician is listed first on the “Physicians” page, list this individual.
— If you are still unsure and it is not obvious, simply state “Unknown”.
* Website
— This is pulled from the Google results. Please clean up the URL to the following format: www.(INSERT WEBSITE TITLE).com
* # of Locations
— Visit the “Contact Us” or “Locations” Page. If there is only one location, list1. If there are more than one location, count the locations and enter this number in this column.
I took care of completing the first 5 practices for New York city. I listed all of the New York city URLs, but you will have to fill in the rest of the required information by visiting the practice’s URL.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
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