
Scraping Hundreds of State Court Websites

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping Hundreds of State Court Websites

Project Description:
We actually have a much more complex problem. We’re looking to scrape hundreds of state court websites.

We currently are managing about 100 ourselves. But it’s not our core business so we want to outsource some or all of that function.

Many of the websites require a configuration file in order for the scraper to know which cases to download. In addition, some have CAPTCHA (we currently use Amazon’s mechanical turk).

Here’s a sample court website: http://www.lacourt.org/casesummary/ui/index.aspx?casetype=civil

As you can see, you need a case number to search.

Is this something you could tackle or outside the scope of what you might handle?

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 4 years ago Carolyn Lange

    How much would it cost for you to scrape this website?

    Look following source to scrape data: https://www.kybar.org/.

    All we want is all of the Lawyers name, firm name, emails, phone numbers, address, and what city they are in.

  • 4 years ago Vibhu Satpaul

    Extract Attorney data from the following website: https://www.superlawyers.com/.

    Scrape detail of lawyers for following practice area only:
    Administrative Law
    Family Law
    Sex Offenses
    Construction Accident

  • 4 years ago Jeff Kingston

    Hello guys,

    We are lawyers marketing firm and would like to collect database of attorneys. Therefore, I need your help.

    Currently we require database of attorneys from hawaii State Bar Association. Website is: https://hsba.org/.

  • 4 years ago Angela Byrnes

    I want to get database of USA Lawyers from this website https://www.avvo.com, Let me know how many records you can scrape?

    Looking forward to your reply.

  • 4 years ago Misty Powell

    Do you have experience in scraping lawyers data from https://www.lawinfo.com/?

    Let me know cost for the task.


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