Scraping Historical Data from
Project Title: Scraping Historical Data from
Project Description: (CMC) has a page where they post the historical data for a large volume of coins. They seem to update this weekly.
From the table, I want to extract each coin’s rank, ticker, name, market cap, price, 24H price change and 7D price change.
For each date, I want to pull this info for the top 1,000 coins (note: the table only shows 200 then adds 200 more every time someone clicks “Load More” at the bottom). I want to extract data for all available dates going back to 2013.
The output should be in separate excel files, one for each year.
Note: this implies 1,000 rows of data per week, 4 weeks per month, 12 months per year.
A column should probably be added to record the date of the archive. The coin logos are not needed neither are any of the links to coin-specific pages.
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