
Scraping eCommerce Website and Sync Inventory

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping eCommerce Website and Sync Inventory

Project Description:
Hi! As an initial pilot, we would like to sync our inventory with our supplier:
Muscle Nation. https://musclenation.org/ In the example page below, you will note that a few sizes are ‘greyed out’.

We would want to update our product record to reflect the sizes as out of stock (inventory = zero).

For the sizes in stock, we can return a dummy quantity of inventory (say 10).

This data needs to be collected across all products on the supplier site and synced with Shopif: https://musclenation.org/collections/bike-shorts/products/bike-shorts-navy

We offer the entire Women’s, Men’s and supplements collection on our website

We would like to sync inventory perhaps daily but this could be more/ less frequently based on the degree of difference we find between sequential scraping sessions.

Our ideal solution is not “scraping as a service” due to the frequency that this needs to be run.

Rather our preference is to have something built that we can maintain and configure the frequency of running ourselves.

We are a small eCommerce business and therefore do not want to have significant ongoing costs for this work.

Please let me know if you require further information to be able to scope the job and we would welcome your guidance if you might conclude that we may need a different solution.

We have other pain-points relating to product data management and our overall order processing flow that we can also look at down the line, but solving inventory is our highest priority for now.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 4 years ago Dolly

    We have some e-commerce websites, I want to reduce the price of daily products and monitor the price, would you be able to do that?

  • 4 years ago Karl Poppe

    We have a list of eCommerce products. We need your help to scrape their price. Please provide your best quote.

  • 4 years ago Steve Purcell

    Do you have experience of scraping products from eCommerce website and uploading them to the store? Have you ever done this before?

  • 4 years ago Rainer Maria

    I have a list of several products that need to be priced and monitored. We will provide you the list of products. The website is https://www.nordstrom.com/, where you have to research and monitor the prices of those products.

  • 4 years ago Philip

    We want to collect product prices and reviews from popular e-commerce websites. Tell us the price for that and how much time will it take?

  • 4 years ago Conor Oberst

    Can you tell us the general cost of scraping an eCommerce site?

  • 4 years ago Phil Ochs

    I want to scrape e-commerce websites like Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, Alibaba, Samsclub, Wayfair, Target and many more. Can you send a sample from one site?

  • 4 years ago Georgia O’Keeffe

    Looking for someone who can scrape data from eCommerce website and import data to store data. Contact us if you can.

  • 4 years ago Jamie Oliver

    We need to extract the product information from the e-commerce website https://www.walmart.com/. What will be the cost?

  • 4 years ago Robert Oliver

    Please scrape the list of appliances and electric products from this website https://www.costco.com/ and return us to Excel. Provide me the cost and time to scrape.

  • 4 years ago Ken Olson

    We want to collect product prices and reviews from popular e-commerce websites. We are eager to know how the data will be presented and what will be the cost?

  • 4 years ago Jamie Oliver

    We would like to know the cost of reducing product prices on a daily basis. Please tell us can you provide the output in CSV file?


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