Scraping Data from
Project Title: Scraping Data from
Project Description:
We are interested in seeing if we can get Federal Business Opp data ( webscraped. Can someone please contact us?
The attached file shows the fields we want to capture from the scraping effort (the attached file contains data captured manually thru copy/paste).
In addition we should capture/create the following fields/data as columns in the data set (as available):
• PSC Code (if PSC is used as part of search parameter) – comes directly from FBO
• “Month/Year” – based on for example “posted date” field/data – this is to facilitate performing pivot tables easily
A couple quick notes about search parameters:
1) Time period should be last 365 days
2) Opportunity/Procurement type should be all of them
3) NAICS code should be the “541” highest level selection
4) Classification (PSC) code should be the “R” selection
Note that both NAICS and PSC should not be selected together as this will yield the intersecting results only….
We want results for NAICS only and then also for the PSC/Classification code only….
Of course, there will be some overlap with this approach. Hopefully this overlap can be rationalized/consolidated (duplicates removed)
As a count of totals, here is what I am seeing
• NAICS code filter – 25,354 results
• PSC/classification code filter – 14,746 results
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
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