Scraping Daily Hotel Price Data
Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping Daily Hotel Price Data
Project Description:
Hi! I am a graduate student interested in obtaining daily hotel price data
– ideally, I would like this to span several years, but I’m not sure how far back the data is able to go.
If you could give me some idea of this I would greatly appreciate it.
Also depending on what is available I could restrict my analysis to California only.
I am interested to know what you have collected already!
Can you please let me know if you can help us with this task?
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Please scrape hotel price from expedia.com. I have list of zip codes for which you are supposed to scrape hotel price. Please give me cost and time frame for this job.
I am looking to get reviews of hotels from Expedia every month. What is the monthly price?
What is the price of monitoring prices of hotels in London from Agoda? Do you have experience with this? Please provide a sample to review.
Collect data from http://www.hotwire.com. let me know if you can help me?
Scrape hotel prices data from http://www.kayak.com, please get back to me with your price structure.
Monitor and scrape hotel prices daily from the website http://www.priceline.com. Please assist us.
what would be a charge of scraping data from the website https://www.booking.com/.
Let me know if you can scrape data from https://www.agoda.com, provide a sample for review.