
Scraping Contact details for Manufacturing, Distributors and Wholesalers & Business Services Companies

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping Contact details for Manufacturing, Distributors and Wholesalers & Business Services Companies

Project Description:
I have a question about a service.

I need real and verified databases for “email marketing campaigns”. The web portals are www.globalsources.com and www.alibaba.com.

There are many databases about these web portals on the internet, but these are not updated or customized according to my interests.
The companies must be from “China, Hong Kong and Taiwan”.

Some information about the companies:
      Company; Miss or Sir; Name; last name; position; emails (Managers, supervisors, executives, etc.); company address; company country(China, Hong Kong or Taiwan); company size; industry category; industry subcategory; industry sub subcategory; Years as Gold Supplier Member on Alibaba (Alibaba); Manufacturer, Business Services or Wholesaler/Distributors on Alibaba; Years as Verified Supplier Member on Globalsources; Manufacturer or Wholesaler/Distributors on Globalsources.

1 – Globalsources:
– I need manufacturing companies verified by Globalsources with the Verified Manufacturer M logo (Manufacturer). – I need Distributors and Wholesalers Companies, verified by Globalsources with verified Supplier v logo, from 1 year and more as verified Supplier companies with verification logo.

2 – Alibaba:
– I need manufacturers verified by Alibaba, this means that the verification agency must be Alibaba, they must be Gold Suppliers Members from 3 years and more.
– I need Distributors and Wholesalers companies, they must be companies verified by Alibaba. They must be Gold Supplier Members from 4 years and more.
– I need Business Service Companies, verified by Alibaba as such. They must be Gold Suppliers Members from 4 years and more.

What is the price for this service?

I do not need it quickly. How long does this work take?

Is Western Union accepted?

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 6 years ago JILL Roberts

    Grab all manufacturer companies of manufacturerusa.com with all contact information for our marketing purpose. Please verified phone number and email address.

  • 6 years ago Steven FIELDS

    Will you pull data from B2B Directory (Kompass.com) for different countries with manufacturing, distributors and wholesalers business services companies? Please suggest.

  • 6 years ago Kenneth WHEELER

    Please advise the estimated cost and time for scraping business data listings from societe.com. We need a quick turnaround on this.

  • 5 years ago Brant Abeln

    I am interested in scraping Manufacturers data from https://www.manufacturednc.com. I require each and every detail available on the each page.

    Advise your best quote and time required to complete extraction process.

  • 5 years ago David Glass

    I want to get list of all manufacturers scrapped from above mentioned website.


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