
Scraping Apps and Vendor Details from SAP App Center

Posted By admin
web scraping

Project Title: Scraping Apps and Vendor Details from SAP App Center

Project Description:
Can I get a quote to scrape App Details, Reviews and Vendor information from https://www.sapappcenter.com/?

I want to get details of all the Apps available on the App center along with their reviews.

The data I need is as follows:

Vendor Domain | Source_Url | Title Name | StartingPrice | PublishedOn |
Rating | Review | SupportedLanguages | SupportedCountries |
Vender Name | Vender Url | PhoneNumber | EmailAddress |
Sort Description | long Description| Overview | Benefits | Features |
Technology | Developed By | Industries | SAP S/4HANA | SAP Certified |
Solution Type | Listing Types | Use Case | Product Line | SAP Cloud Platform Services |
SAP Business Suite | SAP Analytics | Digital Platform | SAP SuccessFactors |
CRM and Customer Experience | SAP Ariba | Featured Collections | Digital Supply Chain |
Intelligent Technologies | Finance & GRC | SAP Concur | SAP Fieldglass

Also, I need to get the Review and Review posted date, for top five reviews sorted as Most Recent.

Would please get back to me with a sample of few listings for review?

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Christopher Romaine

    How much would it cost to extract data of all apps from “https://marketplace.atlassian.com/search?query=” ?

  • 5 years ago Tina Prade

    We want someone to scrape reviews of a specific list of Apps from Google Play Store. Can you help?


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