Scraping Appliances Products Data from Wayfair
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Project Title: Scraping Appliances Products Data from Wayfair
Project Description:
We need to get list of all products that are listed under category “Appliances” from Wayfair.com.
The data-points for each product we would need are:
– Product Title
– Category Tree
– Price
– Part#
– Description
– Specifications
– Seller
– Rating
All these details must be delivered to us as a CSV file. How long would it take?
Please can you also provide the quote and sample?
Let us know, if you need any further information in this regard.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
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We are looking for the e-commerce product data from https://www.wayfair.com/. Please advise approx cost and time-frame for the project.