
Scraping App Reviews and Vendor Details from Atlassian Marketplace

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping App Reviews and Vendor Details from Atlassian Marketplace

Project Description:
We are looking to scrape App reviews and vendor information from marketplace.atlassian.com for all categories available.

Are you able to provide scraped data for this type of requirements?

The details to be scraped are as mentioned below:

– Vendor Domain
– App URL
– App Name
– Vendor Name
– Vendor Status
– Vendor Description
– Partner Level
– Address
– Email
– Phone
– Vendor Domain
– Reviews
– Rating
– Installs
– App Short Description
– App Long Description

Above mentioned are the data-points for vendor and App details. But, we also need to get App reviews scraped(sorted as most recent, upto 5).

For every review of each App scrape Review Description and Review Date.

We want to get this project done by next week, can you do that?

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Dan McDonald

    I want a list of Apps, their vendors and reviews from shopify App store. What would be price of scraping?

  • 5 years ago Scott Bernhardt

    I have a similar kind of requirements, can you help? please provide your Skype ID for further discussion.


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