Scraping and Monitoring Products Prices Daily from Aliexpress
Posted By admin
Project Title: Scraping and Monitoring Products Prices Daily from Aliexpress
Project Description:
We require you to scrape and monitor prices of Home Appliances from https://www.aliexpress.com/.
List of about 300 home appliance products will be provided to you. Where you’ll have to set shipping country as Argentina.
Daily you’ll need to monitor their prices and deliver us the output to know the variations in the price of products.
Can we do a sample run before starting with the project? Please advise.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
My requirement is to scrape and monitor 200 product’s competitor prices on Google Shopping UK. I only need the details of top 3 competitor. Would this be feasible for you?
I would like to know, if you guys can scrape products with their reviews from Amazon.com?