Scraping and Monitoring Baby Products Prices
Posted By admin
Project Title: Scraping and Monitoring Baby Products Prices
Project Description:
How much does it cost to scrape and monitor prices from above mentioned website?
We need to scrape and monitor prices of baby products on everyday basis.
Have you done price monitoring for Kohls.com in past? If yes, share experience as case study.
Also, can we do a test run for a week and then move towards the live project?
What are the different output formats you can provide? Please advise.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
How much do you charge for extracting about 30K products from Costco.com?
Are you guys having any experience to scrape data from Nordstrom? If yes, please can you show a sample which reveals what are your capabilities and what data-points you can acquire?