
Scraping Amazon Reviews

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scraping Amazon Reviews

Project Description:
I came across your website and wondered if you might be able to help with a mini project I am working on. I want to calculate the average ratings of products on Amazon

If I go to the amazon site and search for apple I get a page with a bunch of products here http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=apple which I can refine by selecting “Apple” from the list of brands in the left menu bar to narrow the search to only products made by Apple ie http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_p_89_0?fst=as%3Aoff&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aapple%2Cp_89%3AApple&keywords=apple&ie=UTF8&qid=1451732876&rnid=2528832011.

From this, there are two options of things I would like to calculate:

Basic version: Calculate the average review (1-5) for all the Apple branded products (ie to go through the pages, extract the number of reviews for each product and the rating of each product. Add together all the versions of “number reviews x ave rating” and divide by the total number of ratings.

Ideal version: Calculate the average rating in each year by going through the individual product pages, extracting all the review ratings and dates of those reviews (for all products sold by a specific brand) and then working out the mean value of reviews made in 2015, 2014 etc.

We could cap the number of pages/products examined in each case to limit the size of the project, if this is easier.

Is this a project you believe can be done using google sheets and if so, would you be able to let me know if you would be interested in working on this as a small project?

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 6 years ago Rick Smith

    How much does it cost to scrape 100K reviews listings from http://www.tripadvisor.com?

  • 6 years ago Gary Z.

    Please scrape products reviews from ebay.com. I have list of product for which you are supposed to collect reviews information. Will you do it?

  • 6 years ago Thomas White

    Can scrape all products of Clothing & Shoes section from e-commerce website: Shop.com?

    How much do you quote?

  • 6 years ago Thomas WELLS

    Please scrape product details with all customer reviews from ebay.com. Can you please share price for product data scraping?

  • 6 years ago Amanda Casari

    I’d like to get reviews extracted for about 150 Mobile Phones from amazon.co.uk. Can you share some similar samples?

  • 5 years ago Harrison CARLSON

    Can you help me extract Patio & Garden category products from target.com? Also, please let me know the price.

  • 3 years ago Ernesto

    I want to scrape e-commerce websites. I need product data scraped from http://www.wordsandspencer.com.

  • 3 years ago Jonas Salk

    I need to get a 10K product from samsclub.com. Please share sample, quote and time.

  • 3 years ago José de

    I am looking to grab a very fast and strong Amazon to extract information from amazon.it

  • 3 years ago George

    I am looking for a quote on data scraping for product data for the e-commerce website: walmart.com.

  • 3 years ago William

    A scraper is needed to collect data from http://www.wayfair.com/, can you help?


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