
Scrape Vendor Details, App Details and App Reviews

Posted By admin
web application development

Project Title: Scrape Vendor Details, App Details and App Reviews

Project Description:
We have a new project and wonder if you might be able to help. Can you extract reviews, ratings and product vendors from an App store(to be provided in next email)?

We want someone to scrape data with all details posted on the App store. Can you?

Few data-fields we have mentioned below:
– Vendor Domain
– App Url
– Name
– Vendor
– Review count
– Rating
– Listed On
– Latest Release
– Category Tree
– Feature
– Description
– Highlights
– Package Contents
– Lightning Components
– Company name
– Company address
– Founded
– Website
– Email
– Phone
– Company Description
– Additional Information
– Review

Upon extracting the vendor and app details, we also require to scrape app reviews. Following are the steps for scraping app reviews
– Sort Reviews by Most Recent
– Get only the top 5 reviews for each app
– For each review get Review and Review Date.

Please prepare list in an excel sheet. We want to start this work on urgent basis.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Jennifer McWilliams

    Can you guys scrape Vendor details from google play store? I’ll provide you list of apps to scrape.

  • 5 years ago Justin Kotek

    I’ll provide you list of 350 apps from different categories. And, you’ll have to get their reviews every week. can you do this?


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