Scrape University Database from Website
Posted By admin

Project Title: Scrape University Database from Website
Project Description:
I need university database scraped from this website https://www.onlineu.org/ with as much data points as possible if it can be delivered as an SQL database format that would be best.
Data-fields must be:
– University Name
– School Accreditation
– School Type
– Undergraduate Tuition
– Recommendation Rate
– College Website
– Online College Rankings
– Online Degrees Available
– Number of Reviews
How much is your fees for data scraping? Please let us know.
Also, provide some sample data before proceeding with the project.
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Do you have experience in scraping email address of students, faculty, staff from USA university website mentioned as following:
– University of Michigan (https://umich.edu/)
Please suggest cost for scraping Florida State University Website for scraping students details. Get back to us with solution for scraping it from URL:
Help us scraping student details from University Website like New York State University (https://www.nyu.edu/). How much is the cost?
We are planning to generate an excel file with data-headers Name, Email and Phone of students from University of Georgia – http://www.uga.edu/
Will you be able to scrape the email database of students from Central University of Florida? Please provide a quote.
Have you scrapped the Stanford University alumni database in the past? If so, how old is it? What is the price?
I am looking for information from https://www.psu.edu/. Will you guys help me?
What is the cost to scraping list of faculty with their emails from https://www.ucla.edu/?
Can you collect the contact and email address of faculty from Cambridge University? What would be the charge?