
Scrape Product Reviews and Vendor Data from IT Central Station

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scrape Product Reviews and Vendor Data from IT Central Station

Project Description:
We would like to know on how your pricing structure works for scraping data from https://www.itcentralstation.com/?

We need to collect
1.) Vendor information which should have details:
Vendor Domain, Product Profile URL, Vendor URL ITC, Vendor Name and Review Rating

2.) Product information which should have:
Product Profile URL, Number of Reviews, What is?, AKA, Customers, Category, Followers, Pro 1, Pro 2, Pro 3, Con 1,Con 2 & Con 3

3.) Product review data which requires:
Review 1 Rating (sorted by most recent), Review 1 Date, Review 2 Rating, Review 2 Date, Review 3 Rating, Review 3 Date, Review 4 Rating, Review 4 Date, Review 5 Rating & Review 5 Date

4.) Product Competitor adata, that should include:
Competitor 1, Competitor 1 Comparisons, Competitor 2, Competitor 2 Comparisons, Competitor 3, Competitor 3 Comparisons, Competitor 4, Competitor 4 Comparisons, Competitor 5, Competitor 5 Comparisons, Competitor 6, Competitor 6 Comparisons, Competitor 7, Competitor 7 Comparisons, Competitor 8, Competitor 8 Comparisons, Competitor 9, Competitor 9 Comparisons, Competitor 10 and Competitor 10 Comparisons.

We hope the requirements are quite clear and incase if you need anything else, please let us know.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Doug Gartz

    Can you create a script that will grab the product reviews from various categories from the website https://www.bluenile.com?

  • 5 years ago Trevor Johnston

    can you guys scrape reviews of electronic products from http://www.amazon.co.uk?

  • 5 years ago Dustin Ruge

    Scrape Product Reviews for approx 5K products from the website overstock.com, Let me know what would be the cost?

  • 5 years ago Alex Silva

    Scrape product listings from http://www.macys.com? Let me know what data points you guys can scrape?


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