Scrape People Database from FastPeopleSearch and Other Sites

Project Title: Scrape People Database from FastPeopleSearch and Other Sites
Project Description:
Saw your short presentation on the SlideShare re web scraping and that you do that on the FastPeopleSearch and similar sites.
I am looking for a database of people living in specific locations (e.g. Brandon, FL, or Tampa, FL) with names, home addresses and, critically, emails. Any additional info – such as demographics, is a plus.
There are compiled databases like this for sale out there, but, I wonder if using your service might be a more cost effective way to go?
Can you please let me know what the cost of extracting such a database would be (maybe you already have it and offering it for sale)?
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Let me know if you guys can extract people’s information from I’ll provide you a list of phone numbers.
Scrape and collect a database of all the people available on the site for location Bahrain.
Target website:
Scrape email, phone number and address of people for location New York, California.
scrape A list of data points needs to be scrape will be provided to you.
I want to get the phone number and address of people from the website What will be the charge?
Find people from for location USA. A list of phone numbers will be provided to you, you have to collect the address and person name.