Scrape Newspaper Articles Data from

Project Title: Scrape Newspaper Articles Data from
Project Description:
Scrape using 5 keywords: ‘Sinaloa’, ‘Juarez’, ‘templarios’, ‘zetas’, ‘cartel’, ‘beltran’, ‘jalisco’
We are looking for someone who can help us with the data scraping of newspaper articles records to our database.
You will have to scrape records from and enter into excel or CSV format.
Please note to scrape all details mentioned on web page.
This will be an ongoing requirement as newspaper articles data increases on daily basis thus, you need to keep running extraction on daily basis to deliver data files to us.
Many Thanks and looking for your reply at earliest!
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on
Will you be able to scrape articles off Technology section from We need the scrape to be done on daily basis so please provide cost accordingly.
Kindly review the website : and let me know if you can crawl news articles from this website daily.
Want to scrape blogs details scraped from Do you have experience with this? If yes, also please let me know the price.