Scrape Law Firms Database
Posted By admin
Project Title: Scrape Law Firms Database
Project Description:
We need a list of law firms scraped and verified from following link for location New York city:
There are around 9,975 Law firms data available.
We need to extract only following data fields:
Law Firm Name
Contact Number
Please give me a cost and time quote for the project.
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
What is the price for scraping Lawyers data from superlawyers.com for specific practice area?
We are developing a lawyers website, we need to import scrapped data from Justia.com.Provide the best cost and time required.
Let me know cost to scrape all attorneys details from avvo.com? Which are the data-fields you will be able to scrape?
Can you retrieve the list of all attorneys from calbar.org and floridabar.org. Let me know how many days will you require to complete this requirements?
I want to purchase updated lawyers database, do you have family law lawyers data scraped from martindale.com? Let me know the cost.
We want to extract bestlawyers.com and get all the lawyers details into excel, Let me know if you can do this? How much cost for it?
Provide quote to scrape entire Lawyers directory avvo.com to get the details of all the lawyers in a CSV file?
Do you have ready database of lawyers from avvo.com? If so what is the price?
Extract Family Lawyers in Australia from australianlawyersdirectory.com.au. We are looking for ready new database of lawyers.