Scrape Financial Services Data
Posted By admin

Project Title: Scrape Financial Services Data
Project Description:
Looking for Financial Services Data.
I saw your company on LinkedIn; I’m MD of a London Based training provider, we provide training in Fixed Income, Performance, & Risk Attribution.
I’d like to add some new data to my database, specifically names, job titles, companies, & email addresses (phone too if possible); of heads of Performance, Risk, & Fixed Income Attribution from UK & European Financial services providers (banks, asset managers, & wealth managers).
Can you help? If yes, how much would it approximately cost?
Also, let me know if you need any further information in this regard.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Scrape Financial Advisor jobs daily from http://www.glassdoor.com. Let me know if you can do this?
We need to get the stocks data scrapped daily and delivered to us. How much cost?