Scrape Executives Data from Zoominfo

Project Title: Scrape Executives Data from Zoominfo
Project Description:
Can you scrape information from B2B directory site? (please note that I do not have login information)
I need an up-to-date and accurate databases of executive contact information from
For each of the executive below I need the following information:
– Company Name
– Address (head office physical Address – street, city, country, zip code)
– Phone numbers (general company numbers)
– Website
– President’s Name
– Vice-Presidents’ Names (must have at least VP Operations and VP Customer Service)
– Direct email addresses for: President, Vice-Presidents (must have one at least)
– Description of what company does
I need all the information listed above for top 30,000 U.S. companies by revenue that sell products or services to consumers.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
What is the rate of extracting company profiles from Crunchbase?
Can you extract USA B2B email leads from
I have zoominfo account. All data should be scraped using ZoomInfo Pro Account.
I’d like to scrape business data from
Please send sample of 10 records.
Need to scrape company information from the
How much would this cost?
Will you be able to extract bulk companies Controller names and leads from, I need them in a bulk quantity.
Will you be able to assist us with companies database scraping from
Awaiting your response with price and time estimation.