Scrape Enterprise Information from Lefigaro

Project Title: Scrape Enterprise Information from Lefigaro
Project Description:
I need to extract information all companies from the above mentioned website.
When you visit the above mentioned web-link, you’ll find a map with each location having list of companies.
The details you need to collect are:
– Company Name
– Social reason
– Siren number
– Siret number
– VAT number
– Registry
– NAF / APE code
– Legal form
– Date of registration
– Company size
– Staff
– Number of establishments
– Municipality of implantation
– Address
Would please let me know how much will this cost and what is the time frame for this?
Also, can you advise the total number of companies available on the website.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Find the company information from for the provided zip code list.
Scrape, more details like data fields and zip code will be provided on Skype.