Scrape Ecommerce Websites

Project Title: Scrape Ecommerce Websites
Project Description:
We need a python program (or a separate program for each ecommerce site) that will search the following ecommerce sites and return the search results (products) in a Python double list.
The sites are:, and
All these are US sites.
I must be able to call the program from a terminal of server as follows:
ret_list = python3 program_name(site, keywords, n_pages)
where site could be either one of “amazon”, “ebay”, “walmart”, “etsy” ot “target”
keywords is the keywords for search. This could be anything
n_pages is the number of pages of of search results to return. This will not exceed 4
ret_list is a double list as follows:
ret_list = [product1, product2, product2, …….] # The results from the first three pages of search results of each site
where product = [site, prod_link, prod_title, currency, prod_img, price]
where site is the site searched
prod_link is the link to the listing of this product on that ecommerce site
prod_title is the full title of the product as shown in the listing
currency is the currency of the price. This will be “US$’ always, as we are searching only US sites now
price is the sale price of that product (string)
Execution time to search 3 pages of any site should not exceed 3 seconds.
Some of these ecommerce sites are dynamic with javascripts. You have to use scrapy, in those cases. I am looking for simple programs.
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on