
Scrape Dispensary Information Details – Los Angeles Area

Posted By admin
doctors contact information scraping

Project Title: Scrape Dispensary Information Details – Los Angeles Area

Project Description:
I’m looking to have the following data scraped from weedmaps.com.

For a certain area in Los Angeles, California (approximately 6 pages of results containing 500-600 Storefronts) to an Excel file with following rows of information:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone
4. Email
5. Website
6. Day and Hours of operation

Instructions, please follow closely:

– Navigate to weedmaps.com, select “DISPENSARIES”, zoom in or out to greater Los Angeles Area and click “REDO SEARCH IN THIS AREA”.
– Should be 5, 6, or 7 pages of results. (see screenshot)
– On the left side of the screen, select the first result (click once), select it again (click again), you’ll be taken to the DISPENSARY PAGE, select “DETAILS”.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Cyrus Randelia

    What is the general cost of extract data from weeddiaries.com? Also, can you provide a sample?

  • 3 years ago Tom Goforth

    Can you guys scrape Dispensaries data from weedmaps.com?

    Data to be presented in Excel table format.

  • 3 years ago Edward Wing

    Hi there,

    Can you extract strain lists by letter and pull all their data from HTML from leafly.com and allbud.com?


  • 3 years ago Donna Mehalesko

    Are you guys able to extract email list of Marijuana dispensaries throughout the USA from Leafly.com?

  • 3 years ago Brett Vassallo

    What would be cost to extract Marijuana Dispensary listings data from the website potguide.com?

  • 3 years ago Danielle Cloutier

    Can you get Dispensary name, Website, Phone and Email from the following website: allbud.com?

  • 3 years ago Carol Borden

    Can you extract dispensaries and doctors information from weedmaps.com? Other details like data fields will be shared later on.

  • 3 years ago Bruce Barton

    Iā€™d like a spreadsheet containing all medical marijuana dispensaries in the state of Washington.

    Source URL: Weedmaps.com

  • 3 years ago Sarah Evans

    I need to get the data of dispensaries from the website Leafly.com. Do you have experience?


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