Data Scraping for Self-Storage Units
Posted By admin

Project Title: Data Scraping for Self-Storage Units
Project Description:
I need to access certain websites, enter a location, then run a scrape program to dump the data into a csv or excel file.
I need data structured in the following columns:
Address | City | State | Zip Code | Unit Size | Unit Features* | Promo Price | Regular Price
Unit features would be “climate controlled”, proximity to the elevator, First floor, etc.
These are the websites:
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Can you scrape self-storage units from http://www.easystoragesearch.com? Please scrape Name, Address, Unit Size, Price, Facility Details and Office Hours.
What’s the price?
Well to inform you that, Can you please let me know cost for data scraping self-storage units from selfstorageusa.com?
Scrape storage units from usastoragecenters.com. Can you show some samples?
Let me know the cost for extracting all Self Storage and car storage units from https://www.sparefoot.com/.