
Scrape Competitor Products Customer Reviews

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scrape Competitor Products Customer Reviews

Project Description:
We a SaaS product. We want to scrape customer reviews of our competitions product, then analysis the total text to identify and score:

* SEO keyword phrases*
Goal is to uncover phrases used by actual people in the industry.

*Negative sentiment phrase*
Goal is to identify common user dislikes of a) a specific saas product and b) across a range of products/market segment.

*Positive sentiment phrase*
Goal is to identify common user likes of a) a specific saas product and b) across a range of products/market segment.

*Trends: Industry, Location, Company Size*
Break down common phrases by industry classification, user country location and number of employees at company. Note though that there may not be enough metric’s data available for this view be statistically meaningful.

“Workfront” is a competitor.

On the review site “G2” there are 710 user reviews. “Trust Radius” shows 485 user reviews. “Gartner” 162 reviews. “Trust Pilot” is 265 reviews and “Capterra” has 998 reviews.

We need to check for duplicate reviews first as some sites share review content. Then remove any review under 50 words to eliminate vague or generic reviews.

Some sites will nest all reviews onto a single page, others will show summaries that link to a dedicated page per review, and some sites will partially hide review content with CSS/Javascript requiring a user-click to read more.

We then need to scrape the content and perform analysis.

We have 8 major competitors that run reviews across 6 of the large reviews.

Initially just a single quote to perform Proof-of-Concept, delivering the above data analysis, based on scraping and analysis of the review links below. If successful, we’ll want to perform same analysis on all 8 competitors.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Nasir Khan

    https://www.tripadvisor.com/, can you scrape hotel reviews from the given website link?

  • 5 years ago Shirley Lady

    Extract the reviews from Google Maps and let me know what would be the cost?

  • 5 years ago Kim Holland

    Can you scrape the restaurant reviews from https://foursquare.com/ and enter it into a spreadsheet.

  • 5 years ago Mitchell Helfand

    Can you extract reviews of Apps weekly from Google Play Store? What would be the charge?

  • 5 years ago Kathy Didawick

    Can you scrape reviews on a monthly basis from http://www.trustpilot.com? extract the data in MySQL database.

  • 5 years ago Paul Gerrard

    Scrape reviews for all the business categories provided on the list from https://www.bbb.org/.

  • 4 years ago Vijay Smith

    I am looking for a quote on data scrapping for products data for e-commerce https://www.ebay.com/ Please provide quote.

  • 4 years ago Sydney Smollett

    Will you be able to scrape beauty product from https://www.wayfair.com/? Please let us know.


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