Scrape Attorneys Database from Wisbar

Project Title: Scrape Attorneys Database from Wisbar
Project Description:
For list of Attorneys I am looking to have scrape details from If you can do this I would like to make order as soon as possible.
I would like you to go through each County and get the information of attorneys scraped.
Need to grab the following information:
– Attorney Name
– Address
– Zip
– Phone
– County
– Email
– Member ID
– License Status
– Member Type
Please note that you will have to pass through the Captcha for viewing the profile of Attorneys as a security purpose. Do you think you’ll be able to take this challenge and provide data anyway?
Can you provide approximate costing and time duration to complete this?
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Scrape Criminal Lawyers listing from Provide a quotation for the same.
Can you scrape Bankruptcy attorneys for all the provided state?, Scrape Family Lawyers data from a given website.
Do you have experience in scraping lawyer’s data from can you send me a sample?
Need to create a database of all the lawyers in USA from
Extract data for Employment & Labor Lawyers from is the website from which I want to scrape a list of attorneys. What would be the cost?
Are you able to scrape Lawyers listing from Let me know cost for scraping.