Monitoring Hotel Prices daily from Booking
Posted By admin

Project Title: Monitoring Hotel Prices daily from Booking
Project Description:
Would you please let us know how much does it cost for monitoring prices of particular hotels daily?
We would like to get this process done from the website: booking.com.
A list of hotels for which prices are to be monitored will be sent to you on deal finalization.
Somewhere on your website, I read you also provide a free sample. Can we also get one to review work quality?
Kindly get back to me with your proposal.
For similar data requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
I want to monitor hotel prices daily from Kayak. Are you able to help me?
We are looking for someone who can scrape and monitor prices of competitor hotels. List of competitor hotels will be provided in chat.
Do you have experience in scraping hotels data from Priceline? Can you provide a sample for a review.
We have list of locations, you have to daily scrape details of all the hotels for that locations. Website is agoda.com.
I’ll provide you list of competitor hotels and you have to monitor their prices from the website hotwire.com on everyday basis.
I want to scrape and compare prices of Hotels in Australia from websites- booking.com and Hotels.com. Can you help?
I have read your blog and I’m looking for similar service. Can you tell me your pricing structure? Let’s discuss detail requirement in chat.
Can you please assist me? I want to monitor prices of various Hotels extracted from Lastminute.com daily.
We have huge upcoming projects, looking for someone who is expert in scraping data. Let’s discuss further on Skype.
Are you guys provide data extraction service on a regular basis? Please provide me quotation for monitoring prices from various travel websites.