
List of All Active U.S. Attorneys

Posted By admin
Lawyers Data Scraping

Project Title: List of All Active U.S. Attorneys

Project Description:
I am a 1 person legal directory start-up. I desire to compile a list of all active U.S. attorneys.

To the extent available, I seek these fields: full name; law firm/organization; law firm/organization URL; business address, phone, email, fax; LinkedIn profile URL; practice area(s); state of license; admission date; education (college, law school, other); graduation date(s); languages; photo/image of attorney.

U.S. attorneys are licensed per state. Likely best, most accurate sources: (a) each state’s bar association or licensing agency (link to each public attorney search available upon request) and (b) legal directories. Both have imperfections in terms of accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Active U.S. attorneys number in the ballpark of 3.3 million.

Neither source is likely to yield law firm/organization URL, email, LinkedIn profile URL, or photo/image of attorney. Other fields, as well, are likely to be missing. Therefore, further efforts would be needed.

A next step involves a targeted search of each law firm/organization, with a desired collection of same info above (for comparison and QC purposes). Most attorneys in private practice maintain a bio page containing a head shot in the form of a photo/image. Photo/image collection is critically important.

I am open to ideas/thoughts, and have questions. This in your wheelhouse? Thanks.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 7 years ago Sean Allen

    Scrape Law Firms and Lawyers Data from this URL: http://lawyers.findlaw.com/

    Go to each and every cities against every Practice Area so that you don’t miss any of lawyer record. Also, provide me unique listing of Lawyer at the end of extraction.

  • 6 years ago Ashley J.

    What is your quote for doing full scrape of Avvo.com?

  • 6 years ago Jeremy GORDON

    I am seeking to scrape information from Washington State Bar Association (https://www.wsba.org/).

  • 6 years ago ELEANOR Hall

    What is the rate to scrape lawyers listings from lawyers.com?

  • 6 years ago Gregory Kushnir

    Collect the list of lawyers by scraping data from Justia.com. I need complete website scrapped. Please provide the best cost and time required.

  • 5 years ago Aiden CURTIS

    Can you provide us a piece of sample from nolo.com? We are having requirement to extract data from that website but first need to review your work.


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