
Linkedin Data Scraping

Posted By admin

Project Title: Linkedin Data Scraping

Project Description:
Objective: Scraping email addresses from LinkedIn profiles of marketing employees of selected companies in the UK.

Goal: 15K minimum

I will provide you list of companies.

Data to extract on Linkedin :
First Name
Last Name
Actual company
Company website
Email Address
Linkedin profile URL
Country = UK
Actual company logo

GOAL: Min 15K verified emails address

File format: Excel Spreadsheet

Example :
Civility (eg:’’Mr)
Last Name (eg:”Ashraf”)
First Name (eg:”Ahmed”)
Position (eg”Product Marketing Manager, Mobile at Amazon”)
Company (eg”Amazon”)
Company website (eg”https://www.amazon.co.uk/”)
Email address (eg”….)
Linkedin profil URL (eg”https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmedash270/”)
Country (eg”United Kingdoms”)
City (eg”London”)
Actual company logo (eg”https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQHTvZwCx4p2Qg/company-logo_200_200/0/1612205615891?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=DbdWu153GcoESwso9HD1UQ8Y4f-3b5XP5h7SiQSlQcE”)

Examples of job/position :
Content manager
Head of Campaign Production
Head of Digital & Social
Head of Video & Display
Digital Delivery
Head of content
Campaign Producer
Video & Display Lead
Display & Video Specialist
Customer Engagement & Marketing
Performance Marketing Activation Supervisor
Head of digital communication
Head of video communication
Digital Advertising manager
Head of digital Advertising
Brand Manager Marketing
Media Solutions Specialist
Product Brand Manager
Content Planner
Head of Content Discovery & Personalisation
Head of Creative Production, Marketing and Audiences
Head of Paid Social
Digital content production manager
Digital content distribution manager
Brand & Reputation Marketing Manager
Digital, Social and Content Marketing Specialist.
Head of Communications & Marketing

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 3 years ago Nikki Morrison

    Is it possible to extract data from Facebook Business Pages? Please let us know.

  • 3 years ago Dennis Johnson

    My requirement is to scrape data from social networking profiles (LinkedIn/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter) and provide us with an excel spreadsheet or CSV file.

  • 3 years ago Robert Miller

    Please provide me with a customized LinkedIn scrape file that contains data from user accounts. Are you able to scrape particular fields of data?


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