Lawyers Online Directory Scraping
Posted By admin

Project Title: Lawyers Online Directory Scraping
Project Description:
Can you extract lawyers specific information for certain location and get it verified from Avvo? What records does it include?
Does it include the following content? Please let us know.
– Lawyer Name
– Law Firm Name
– Address
– City
– State
– Zip
– Phone Number
– Email Address
– Website
– Reviews & Ratings
– Practice Areas
I want to see sample data first and What’s price? I want you to start extraction state-wise and one-by-one go for each of 52 states and keep sending me data file state-wise. Hope this will be fine with you.
Looking forward to hear from you soon.
For similar requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
At the moment, I want to extract lawyers from site – https://www.martindale.com/. Will be able to scrape?
Tell me about the price and time-frame.
We are willing to buy the database of lawyers directory (lawyers.findlaw.com). What is price? Also, i want to see data before we purchase it.
Please provide me info about your scraping services of Lawyers from Lawyerlegion.com. Price too, please.
Would it be possible to perform automation process and extract lawyers listings from DE State Bar Association (www.dsba.org)?
I need someone to help with performing data collection of lawyers through Practice areas from nolo.com. Thank you.
We are looking for someone who is an expert to scrape lawyers data from State bar sites. We need to scrape all State bar sites but would like to begin with http://www.alaskabar.org.
Provide us the estimated quote and time required and after this job if all goes well we will move towards other state bar sites.