
Insurance Quote Scraping Program

Posted By admin
web scraping services

Project Title: Scraping Home Improvement Agents Contact Information

Project Description:
We are an insurance agency located In Casablanca Morocco and we are looking for a solution to provide our individual customers with car insurance quotes on our website.

Right now, the only way for us to provide car insurance quotes is through an application installed by our Insurance company on a PC in our agency. In this application ( the insurance company’s application): we can get quotes instantly by filling the necessary fields.

You can find enclosed screenshots of the workflow with this application.

I would like to automatize this process and let anyone visiting our website, to fill the necessary information on the website and get instantly a car insurance quote on the website.

What I need is a program to make the bridge between our website and the insurance company’s application installed in our PC.

Can you provide this type of solution? If yes, I would like to have a quote.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.


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