Hotels Review Scraping
Posted By admin

Project Title: Hotels Review Scraping
Project Description:
We are looking for regular basis service to receive reviews data scraped on weekly basis.
We have list of Hotels for which you will have to scrape reviews from Travel Directories to review the business on constant basis.
We are also looking to collect hotels updated data on particular different source.
Is this something you can provide us? Did you worked in past in similar type of project?
Please let us know.
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Do you scrape Google maps for Hotels Reviews? Please advise if you can assist us.
Let me know price for scraping hotel price from booking.com and what are your payment methods?
I want to scrape data from travel directory: http://www.orbitz.com. Please provide me your price structure and time duration for this project requirement.
We want to compare price of hotels across different travel website. Will you be help to help us with this data scraping activity?
Need to scrape hotels price from http://www.trivago.com. We will provide list of hotel names with URL.
I have list of hotel name and search them in hotels.com to extract website of hotel and contact details. Is this something you can do? Please suggest.
Please collect information of all hotels listed on agoda.com. Can you tell me how long will it take?
To verify, choose a hotel on TripAdvisor that has at least 500 up reviews. can you do this?
I would like their reviews of hotels to be listed by customers on hotwire.com. Can you do it for us?
Want to scrape their review in the United States from Hotwire.com.
We want to scrape hotel reviews from Agoda.com. Can you provide such services?
We need to scrape hotel prices and revives from this website https://www.cheapair.com/. What will be the charge?
Want to scrape locations in the United States from TripAdvisor with things from https://www.tripadvisor.com/.
We are planning to scrape rates of specific US hotels daily from Booking.com. How much will be the cost for this?
Collect hotel data from expedia.com, Let me know what data you guys can scrape?
Extract hotel rates every day from hotwire.com, what would you charge for scraping data from Hotwire?
I am looking for help regarding our web scraping for extracting reviews from booking.com, agoda.com, expedia.com etc.
Scrape info (rating, name, address, website, mail, phone, classification) from tripadvisor.com based on keywords or restaurant classifications.
Estimated total record: 50,000
We are looking for a webscraping expert to obtain information from Restaurants and Hotels in TripAdvisor.com.
The Information we need: Website, email and phone.
How much will it cost to extract and monitor hotel rates everyday from hotwire.com?
We are having a list of about 1000 hotels which are located in various different parts of USA.