Hotel Prices Daily Monitoring from Agoda
Posted By admin
Project Title: Hotel Prices Daily Monitoring from Agoda
Project Description:
I will be providing you with the list of Hotels for which I would like to monitor the prices.
The target website will be agoda.com.
Daily you’ll have to enter the Check-in & Check-out dates and then proceed to scrape the prices of hotels.
Output data should be delivered in an XML format. Is this something you guys can do?
Please let me know, if you require any further information.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
I want to scrape and compare prices of Hotels in UK every day from websites- Orbitz.com and Hotels.com. Can you help?
Can you extract daily hotel prices from Hotels.com?
I want to compare hotel prices from Agoda and TripAdvisor? Let me know if you can do this.
Can you guys help me to extract hotel prices from Kayak.com?
target website is: https://www.priceline.com. Let me know which information you can extract from the website?